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Nix og Hydra - Plutos nye måner

Juni 2006
Da Plutos 2 små måner blev opdaget i året 2005, blev de blot kaldt S/2005 P1 og P2. De er nu officielt blevet døbt Nix og Hydra. Sammenlignet med den store måne Charon, der er 1210 km i diameter, dvs. det halve af Pluto, så er de nye måner ganske små. Nix (som er nærmest Pluto) og Hydra måler blot 40-160 km i diameter, hvilket er størrelser som f.eks. Bornholm og Sjælland.

Mytologisk var Nix gudinde for mørket og natten og moder til Charon, mens Hydra var den nihovede monsterslange, som Herkules måtte kæmpe mod i sin ottende prøvelse.

Billedkilde: M. Mutchler (STScI), A. Stern (SwRI), and the HST Pluto Companion Search Team, ESA, NASA


Astrologen Elias Morsing

Juni 2006
Astrologisk Museums informationsblad SOPHIE:13 er nu udkommet. Det indeholder en biografi om Tycho Brahes betroede assistent, astrologen og meteorologen Elias Olsen Morsing. Endvidere en artikel om Tycho Brahes horoskopteknik.


Danske diplomastrologer

Maj 2006
Månedsbladet STJERNERNE oplyser i det seneste nummer, at der siden 1974 er uddannet 90 astrologer med diplom fra IC Instituttet, dvs ca 3 om året. Skandinavisk Astrologi Skole oplyser på sin hjemmeside, at de siden 1990 har uddannet 60 diplomastrologer, dvs. 4 om året.


Tycho Brahe Museets første år

Maj 2006
Tycho Brahe Museet på Hven fyldte 1 år, den 29. april 2006. Her åbnedes Allehelgenskirken på øen som udstillingsrum for museet. Den havde ikke været brugt som kirke i 15 år og blev officielt ‘afkristnet’ i tiden før åbningen af museet. Der er her en permanent udstilling om Tycho Brahes liv og virke med en blanding af film, arkæologiske fund, modeller, rekonstruerede instrumenter, billeder og multimedia. Alt på svensk, dansk og engelsk. Kilde :


Astrologen Tycho Brahe

Maj 2006
Astrologisk Museums informationsbrev Sophie:12 er nu udsendt. Det indeholder en 8-siders biografisk profil af astrologen Tycho Brahe.


Xena set med Hubble-teleskopet

April 2006
Amerikanske astronomer har for første gang rettet det kraftige rumteleskop Hubble mod den "10. planet", der sidste år blev opdaget i udkanten af vores solsystem. Himmellegemet 2003 UB313, der endnu ikke er blevet blåstemplet som en rigtig planet, har fået kælenavnet Xena. De nye billeder fra Hubble viser, at Xena er en lille smule større end Pluto. Planeten, der består af is og sten, ligger i det såkaldte Kuiper-bælte [udt. køjper], omkring 15 milliarder kilometer fra Jorden, og det tager den 560 år at gennemføre sit kredsløb om solen.



Nix and Hydra

Discovered in mid-2005, Pluto's small moons were provisionally designated S/2005 P1 and S/2005 P2. They have now been officially christened Nix and Hydra. Compared to Pluto and its large moon Charon, at 2,360 and 1,210 kilometers in diameter respectively, Nix (inner moon) and Hydra (outer moon) are tiny, estimated to be only 40 to 160 kilometers across.

In mythology, Nix was the goddess of darkness and night and the mother of Charon, while Hydra was a nine headed monster and is now orbiting the solar system's ninth planet. Of course Nix and Hydra also share initials with the pluto-bound spacecraft New Horizons


Elias Morsing, the astrologer

Latest issue of the information letter of the museum, SOPHIE:13, contains a biographic profile of Elias Olsen Morsing, one of Tychos treasured assistants. Moreover we bring an article on Tychos astrological tecniques.


Danish astrologers
with diploma

Latest issue of the monthly STJERNERNE informs us that the IC Institute since 1974 has produced 90 astrologers with a professional diploma, i.e. nearly 3 per year. Since 1990 the Scandinavian Astrology School has produced 60, i.e. 4 per year, their site tells us


Tycho Brahe Museums
1st year

The Tycho Brahe Museum at the island of Hven was opened April 29th, 2005 in the Allsaints Chruch, that was 'dechristened' some time in advance, and now stands as a permanent. modern exhibition area with films, archaeological findings, reconstructed instruments, models, pictures and multimedia in swedish, danish and english.


Tycho Brahe the astrologer

The 12th issue of SOPHIE, the info letter of the Museum of Astrology, contains an 8-page biographic profile of Tycho Brahe the astrologer.


Xena seen by Hubble

For the first time, american astronomers har seen the possibly 10th planet, 2003 UB313 , through the Hubble space telescope. The 'planet' has been nicknamed Xena. New pictures shows that it is a bit larger than Pluto. It consits of ice and rocks and is situated in the Kuiper Belt some 15 billion km away from Earth. Its revolution round its orbit takes 560 years


De Nova Stella acquired

The library has obtained a copy of Tycho Brahes first work, 'De Nova Stella', that lended him world fame, It is in an almost identical reprint issued 1901 by The Royal Danish Society of Sciences. It is often overlooked that half of Tychos book contains astrological interpretations.

Year of Renaissance

Danish museums and universities has made 2006 into a national year of the Renaissance. Accordingly the Museum of Astrology will put focus on danish astrology all year through papers in SOPHIE. A series of chapters from Daily Life in Scandinavia in the 16th Century byTroels-Lund has already done this in the magazine HOROSKOPET during 2005. And more is to follow



 2006 - 1

Opdateret 08/01/2020 - ret til ændringer forbeholdes

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